The “Court” in the networks: an analysis of the profiles of the Ministers of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) on Twitter




Supreme Federal Court, Twitter, Legitimacy, Judiciary, Digital Methods


The article discusses the use of social networks by the Justices of the Brazilian Supreme Federal Court (STF). The research identifies a gap in sociological and empirical studies on the production of digital content by Justices on social networks. The hypothesis is that the impact and quality of the content produced still need to be better estimated. Drawing on a combination of a quantitative methodology for social networks analysis, based on digital methods, and a qualitative methodology, the article analyzes the content of the STF Justices on Twitter posts. We show that, although there are not many posts by the Justices, there are constant mentions of issues related to fundamental rights, which bring them to the limits between law and politics. The article concludes by raising questions about the scope of these posts and the debate about the freedom of speech that the members of the Brazilian judiciary hold and how this interacts with the belief in the democratic legitimacy of institutions such as the STF.


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Author Biography

  • Maria Gorete Marques de Jesus, Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas

    Maria Gorete Marques de Jesus is a Postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Sociology FFLCH-USP. She is a researcher at the Center for the Study of Violence (NEV/USP). She holds a PhD in Sociology from the Graduate Program of the Department of Sociology, University of Sao Paulo (FFLCH-USP), an MA in Sociology from the University of Sao Paulo (USP), a Specialist degree in Human Rights from the Law School of the University of São Paulo, and a BA and Licentiate in Social Sciences from the Faculty of Philosophy, Languages and Human Sciences of USP (FFLCH/USP).


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Dossiê Sociologia Digital e suas reflexões

How to Cite

Jesus, M. G. M. de ., Almada, P. E. R., & Amaral, M. C. de S. . (2023). The “Court” in the networks: an analysis of the profiles of the Ministers of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) on Twitter. Plural, 30(01), 43-69.