The social building of the body and the self in collective sports




Sports, Collective sports, Body, Team, Training


In fieldwork for research on team sports, a series of reports from a basketball player caught my attention. It was a description of their diffi culties in adapting to the new team’s way of playing, something common among players in team sports. The present article looks into the case of this player, exploring several dimensions of his
report and mobilizing some important theoretical references in the treatment of the issue. The analysis of the reports allowed us to better understand the complexity of the aspects involved in the processes of construction of the athletic body, its relationship with being a player, and with the context in which this usually occurs - that of the constitution of a team - also revealing the formation of the intercorporeal dimension proper to collective play and the experience of the worlds of collective sports games.


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Author Biography

  • Eduardo Fernandes Nazareth, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Instituto de Estudos Sociais e Políticos

    Eduardo Fernandes Nazareth é doutor em Sociologia pelo IESP-UERJ, pesquisador do Núcleo de Pesquisa Sociofilo e professor da Rede Faetec-RJ.


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How to Cite

Nazareth, E. F. (2022). The social building of the body and the self in collective sports. Plural, 29(02), 166-187.