First records of Microdesmus longipinnis (Weymouth, 1910) (Actinopteri, Gobiiformes, Microdesmidae) for the Brazilian semiarid coast
Pink wormfish, New occurrence, Distribution gap, Northeastern BrazilAbstract
Microdesmus longipinnis was documented for the first time in the Brazilian semiarid coast. Previous occurrences of this species ranged from the Western Atlantic, North Carolina (USA) to the southeastern coast of Brazil, and there is still a substantial gap between these regions. Specimens were collected in the Curu and Pacoti estuaries, Ceará state, Brazil. These new records of M. longipinnis can help to fill a portion of the geographical distribution gap for species inhabiting estuaries under the semiarid climate of Brazil.
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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
Grant numbers Grant 28/2018, 423628/2018-6, and Grant 63/2022, 409354/2022-8