The Zulliger test and job performance evaluation
Psychological assessment, Zulliger, Comprehensive System, Job Performance EvaluationAbstract
This paper brings information about personality assessment in the organizational context, and the objective was to look for validity evidences for the Zulliger test in correlation with a questionnaire of Job Performance Evaluation. The results from a 86 subjects sample were examined. They had bachelor's degree in Electric Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Computer Science, System Analysis, and Statistics, men and women between 22 and 43 years old. The Z-test was analyzed using the Comprehensive System. The results showed that more disciplined and organized professionals, having initiative and practical vision, which target realistic results had an overall better evaluation. Not so well did the emotionally immature ones, or the ones highly critical and self-centered, who prioritize their own needs instead of the other ones' necessities.Downloads
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