Characterization of behavioral symptoms of older adults with neurocognitive disorder by the report of informal caregivers
Behavior disorders, Dementia, Caregivers, Old ageAbstract
Behavioral symptoms of people with dementia can negatively affect the mental health of informal caregivers. The aims of this study were to describe the behavioral symptoms of adults diagnosed with dementia based on the report of their caregivers and to characterize the caregivers regarding the level of hope, burden and stress related to care. Twenty informal caregivers participated in the study, with an average age of 54 years, predominantly daughters and wives of the patients, who granted an interview and responded to instruments regarding burden and stress, hope, patient’s characteristics and behavioral problems. Despite a high level of hope, the participants had a burden level compatible with that of caregivers of chronic patients. The most mentioned challenging behaviors were difficulties in carrying out activities of daily living and aggressiveness, predominantly characterized as behavioral excesses. We emphasize the importance of interventions with caregivers of people with neurocognitive disorder, oriented to the management of challenging behaviors.
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