Gender differences in mental health and beliefs about COVID-19 among elderly internet users
Depression, Loneliness, Resilience (psychology), Old ageAbstract
Older people's mental health is at risk during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study investigated gender differences in home isolation, beliefs about Covid-19 and mental health indicators among elderly internet users during the pandemic. A total of 384 older persons (66.9% women and 30.1% men) answered an online survey devised to collect information on sociodemographic characteristics, beliefs/attitudes about Covid-19, depression (PHQ-2), loneliness (short version of the UCLA-BR), social support and resilience (the BRS). Older women showed poorer mental health indicators, were more likely to adhere to home isolation and believe in the effectiveness of this measure, and felt more self-confident to self-isolate at home. Stronger perceived vulnerability to COVID-19 and awareness of the gravity of the disease were related to poorer mental health indicators among women. Older women are a high-risk group for negative mental health outcomes during the pandemic and should therefore be a primary focus of actions to mitigate the effects of the pandemic on mental health.
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