Learning Strategies Mediated by Technologies: Use and Observation of Teachers


  • Andrea Carvalho Beluce Universidade Estadual de Londrina
  • Katya Luciane Oliveira Universidade Estadual de Londrina




cognitive processes, metacognition, learning, educational technology


The appropriate use of digital information requires skills that enable regulation of cognitive thinking. This research is focused on building a scale that measures the learning strategies used by teachers and the ones they observe being practiced by their students, either adopting classical media technologies or the internet, besides pursuing evidence of internal consistency for such scale. Altogether, 515 teachers from Parana and Mato Grosso do Sul states in Brazil participated in the research. The first stage was focused on preparing the questions, and the second on the search for evidence of internal consistency for the Learning Strategies Used and Observed by Teachers (LSUOT) scale. The results revealed the reliability of the tool by internal structural analysis, showing its psychometric properties. It is safe to consider that the results can make contributions to teachers in the utilization and teaching of strategies that make the learning process in this current digital society easier.


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School and Educational Psychology

How to Cite

Beluce, A. C., & Oliveira, K. L. (2018). Learning Strategies Mediated by Technologies: Use and Observation of Teachers. Paidéia (Ribeirão Preto), 28, e2809. https://doi.org/10.1590/1982-4327e2809