O incontornável Corpo da Nação: reapropriações e heterodoxias futuristas em torno da Semana de Arte Moderna


  • Roberto Vecchi Universidade de Bolonha




Italian Futurism;, Modern Art Week, modernist poetry


Italian Futurism played a complex task, especially in the background of the São Paulo Art Week, but not exclusively. The article does not reconstruct so much
the polemic on Futurism that marked the gestation of the Week, but rather the differential role that Italian Futurism had as articulating material of a broader process that absorbed it in the preparation of the modernist aesthetic and ideological plot, even when its influence was not explicitly manifested.
Synthetically and by image, it could be said that a kind of negative conservation of values reconductible to Italian Futurism occurred. It means a conditioned reuse in the complexity of Brazil’s historical and social body showing how the external influence works only at the moment it becomes a force of internal transformation, as semiotics demonstrates. In this way the legacy of Futurism is noticed not only
in the inconveniences of the modern dawn but also in the dissemination that followed the impetuous emersion of the values of Modernism, in the refraction of multiple modernities.


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Author Biography

  • Roberto Vecchi, Universidade de Bolonha

    é professor titular de Literatura Portuguesa e Brasileira e de História da cultura portuguesa na Universidade de Bolonha. É, desde 2007, coordenador da Cátedra Eduardo Lourenço (Camões-UNIBO). Em Portugal, é investigador associado do Centro de Estudos Sociais da Universidade de Coimbra. Foi presidente de 2014 a 2021 da AIL, a Associação Internacional de Lusitanistas. Autor de uma bibliografia extensa sobre a teoria e a história das culturas de língua portuguesa, é autor com Vincenzo Russo do volume A literatura Portuguesa. Modos de ler (Lisboa, 2022).


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How to Cite

Vecchi, R. (2022). O incontornável Corpo da Nação: reapropriações e heterodoxias futuristas em torno da Semana de Arte Moderna. Literatura E Sociedade, 27(36), 148-171. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2237-1184.v0i36p148-171