New Issue Published - Vol. 37, No. 3 (2024)
The journal Linha D'Água (USP, Brazil) has just published a new issue on the theme: "Language/Languages in Textual, Enunciative, and Discursive Studies."
The aim of this issue was to highlight the importance of the theme of language/languages in discursive interaction across different social spheres, such as political, legal, religious, educational, academic, media, artistic-literary, and digital contexts.
From various theoretical perspectives, readers will find articles analyzing political texts, literary texts, legal texts, teacher education, social media discourse analysis, reflections on argumentation, work with the deaf community, as well as the translation of an article by Marianne Doury (Université Paris Cité/Campus Saint Germain) and Christian Plantin (Université Lyon 2), and an interview with Joaquim Dolz, Honorary Professor at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences at the Université de Genève, Switzerland. This significant collection of texts is based on the notion of language/languages in different discursive interactions, underscoring how the discourse process encompasses linguistic markers in the enunciative-discursive life process.
The thematic dossier was guest-edited by Prof. Dr. Maria Inês Batista Campos Noel Ribeiro (USP, Brazil), Prof. Dr. Maria das Graças Soares Rodrigues (UFRN, Brazil), and Prof. Dr. Sueli Cristina Marquesi (PUC-SP, Brazil).
We invite everyone to access the articles in the dossier, available at: