Brazilian indigenous and plant use

traditional knowledge, culture and ethnoscience


  • Jéssica da Silva Gaudêncio Universidade de Coimbra
  • Sérgio Paulo Jorge Rodrigues Universidade de Coimbra (FCTUC)
  • Décio Ruivo Martins Universidade de Coimbra (CEFisUC)



Ethnoscienc, Indigenous knowledge, Indigenous culture, Traditional knowledge


This article summarizes some examples of traditional knowledge presented by Brazilian indigenous throughout history in relation to the use and management of plants. The objective is to highlight the relevance of indigenous ethnoscience, taking into account that the indigenous were major contributors to the history of science in Brazil, in which they indicate the different ways of considering the nature in which they live, their techniques in different cultural contexts, the interrelation with different forms of knowledge and their transformations throughout history. Thus, this work brings together information about the use of plants present in the Brazilian indigenous culture, in a wide approach about their customs, knowledge about the cure of diseases, dyes, the use of poisons, among other activities, supported by records of historical documents.


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How to Cite

Gaudêncio, J. da S., Rodrigues, S. P. J., & Martins, D. R. (2020). Brazilian indigenous and plant use: traditional knowledge, culture and ethnoscience. Khronos, 9, 163-182.

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