occupational exposure to biological agents, accidents at Work, occupational health, sharps accidents.Resumo
Introduction: In the labour process there are several occupational hazard risks that present themselves invisibly to workers. Occupational exposure to biological material via sharps is high among health workers. Biosafety is an integral part of safety and occupational hygiene. The risk of contamination by biological material is inherent in anything exposed to it, but it varies according to the activities undertaken by workers. Objective: To characterise the outcomes of accidents at work involving the exposure of workers to biological agents, in the ABC Paulista region. Methods: This was a descriptive study using a convenience sample from three municipalities in the Grande ABC region: Santo André, São Bernardo do Campo and São Caetano do Sul. The data was sourced from 47 records of reported accidents with biological material in the Greater ABC region in the year 2012. The data was processed and tabulated in the statistical program SPSS 19. We used notification records and obtained the profiles of the injured workers and characteristics of the accident, according to gender, age, county of residence, profession, occupation, type of exposure, material involved, the situation of the agent causing the accident, use of personal protective equipment (PPE) equipment, and communication about the work accident (CAT). Results: The incidence of accidents with sharps was related to the frequent handling of these objects and the behaviour of professionals who use practices that pose the risk of needlestick injuries, such as the improper disposal of sharps. Conclusion: The main cause of biological accidents was sharps. Females (70.2 %) and nursing staff (63.8 %) were more likely to be involved in accidents.
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