breast-feeding, early weaning, milk banks, milk human.Resumo
Objective: To identify which sociodemographic factors are associated with early weaning and compare the duration of exclusive breast feeding between mothers which received counseling about maternal feeding and mothers which was not guided for these practices. Methods: A cross-sectional study with 25 mothers that received counseling about the benefits of maternal feeding in the human milk bank and 25 from a university hospital that were not counseled. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire addressing mother-related data, the infant and the breastfeeding in the first semester. Comparison and odds ratio were the statistical analyses adopted. Results: There was not a significant difference of the duration of exclusive breast-feeding between the two groups (p = 0,524). Among mothers in the human milk bank group that discontinued early exclusive breast-feeding, fewer children (p=0,034) and a higher frequency of maternal work (p = 0,022) were observed. Wile, in the university hospital group low education (p < 0.001) and lower income (p = 0.009) were prevalent. In the totality of the sample, the interruption of exclusive breast-feeding was associated with <1 children (OR = 0.21, p = 0.030), the presence of a partner (OR = 0.046, p = 0.001) and the use of bottles or pacifiers (OR = 87.5, p <0.001). In both groups, the most cited motivation for exclusive breast-feeding discontinuation was the medical assistance. It was observed the absence of a specific standard guideline provided in the Human Milk Bank, and less than the recommended number of consultations in the literature. Conclusions: Socioeconomic factors and inadequate incentives negatively influence the duration of exclusive breast feeding. It was verified the need to provide standardized and more frequent counseling for effective reduction of early weaning.
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