violence, adolescents, psychosocial risk.Resumo
Introduction: We noticed an emphasis on mortality from external causes, especially homicides that occur among the male youth population, characterized as aggressor and victim, currently representing one of the major problems for public health. Brazil has, then, been concerned with interventions aimed at decreasing youth victims of violence and the promotion of a culture of peace. Objective: For this purpose, we consider essential to understand the psychosocial risks that may be present in the developmental trajectory of this population. This is the major purpose of this study. Methods: To understand violence in the contemporary Brazilian scenario, we present some results obtained through a literature review. Results: Thus, recent studies show that the risk factors that may affect young people throughout their life cycle are of various levels: physical, psychological, economic, sociocultural etc. Moreover, the protective factors that young people acquire in adverse contexts will also have to be addressed for a more comprehensive understanding of the topic. Thus, we find as relevant risk factors: low socioeconomic status and perceived impossibility of consumption of material goods; poor housing conditions; experience and exposure to intrafamily and community violence including police violence; exposure and contact with drugs; history of physical and psychological abuse; low education; existence of family members with low education, unqualified to work and involved in crime; access to weapons; belonging to gangs; experience of long periods of social exclusion and poverty; feeling threatened by violence and powerlessness in the face of it; and belief that violence is a legitimate solution to social conflicts. Regarding protective factors, studies have highlighted social support networks (school, work, friends, and institutions), skills to protect and negotiate rights and interests, positive images of others, the expectation of help from neighbors and the community in general, high self-esteem and family supervision. Personal factors that contribute in this direction, such as self-esteem and spirituality were also highlighted. Conclusion: However, the interpretation given by the subject suffering a certain stress will determine the degree of impairment in their development. This is one of the reasons why the risk factors must be associated with the protective factors, because not all subjects who undergo the same psychological and social stressors will become vulnerable to other harmful aspects to their development such as involvement in crime by instance. For this reason, describing groups and risk factors becomes essential to seek specific interventions, for gender, age, color, geographical space and social and economic conditions are important variables to specify forms of incidence and prevalence of violence. However, it will be on the individual considered as a whole (physical and psychological), that violence will ensue, either as victim or as perpetrator.
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