Final irrigation protocols can be used to promote stable long-term bond strength of AH Plus to dentin


  • Talita Tartari Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba, Departamento de Odontologia Restauradora, Piracicaba, SP
  • Caroline Wichnieski Faculdade Herrero, Curso de Odontologia, Curitiba, PR
  • Renato Menezes Silva University of Pittsburgh, School of Dental Medicine, Department of Endodontics, Pittsburgh, PA
  • Ariadne Letra University of Pittsburgh, School of Dental Medicine, Department of Endodontics, Pittsburgh, PA
  • Marco Antonio Hungaro Duarte Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Odontologia de Bauru, Departamento de Dentística Operatória, Endodontia e Materiais Odontológicos, Bauru, SP
  • Clovis Monteiro Bramante Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Odontologia de Bauru, Departamento de Dentística Operatória, Endodontia e Materiais Odontológicos, Bauru, SP



Resin cements, Root canal irrigants, Root canal obturation, Scanning electron microscopy, Time factors


Irrigation solutions might affect dentin surface characteristics and, consequently, endodontic sealers adhesion. Objective: This study analyzed the effect of different final irrigation protocols on push-out bond strength (BS) of AH Plus to dentin seven days and 20 months after obturation. Scanning electron micrographs were obtained from the dentin surface of one sample/group after final irrigation. Methodology: Canals of bovine incisors were instrumented and received final irrigation with (n=21): G1 – 2.5% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) + distilled water; G2 – 2.5% NaOCl + 17% EDTA; G3 – 2.5% NaOCl + 17% EDTA + 2.5% NaOCl; G4 – 2.5% NaOCl + 17% EDTA + 2% chlorhexidine (CHX); G5 – mixture 5% NaOCl + 18% etidronate (HEDP); and G6 – mixture 5% NaOCl + 10% tetrasodium EDTA (Na4EDTA). After irrigation, one root/group was split and images were obtained by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The other 20 roots/group were filled with only AH Plus sealer. Three slices/root were used for push-out assessment seven days and 20 months after obturation. One-way analysis of variance and Tukey (α<0.05) were used to compare the results among experimental groups, and unpaired t-test (α<0.05) was used to compare the results of the same group over time. Results: The photomicrographs showed that, excepting G1, all groups completely removed the smear layer from the samples. In G2 and G4, the opening of the dentin tubules enlarged. In G3, erosion was observed in the peritubular and intertubular dentin. Values of the BS in the seven days were G2=G3=G4=G5>G6=G1 and in the 20 months were G3=G5>G6=G4>G1=G2. G3, G5, and G6 presented values of BS in 20 months similar to the values of seven days (P>0.05). Conclusions: The final irrigation protocols tested produced dentin surfaces with different characteristics. Only G3 and G5 presented high BS values that were stable over time.


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How to Cite

Tartari, T. ., Wichnieski, C., Silva, R. M., Letra, A. ., Duarte, M. A. H., & Bramante, C. M. (2023). Final irrigation protocols can be used to promote stable long-term bond strength of AH Plus to dentin. Journal of Applied Oral Science, 31, e20230005.