A Disciplina Geologia Geral - Sistema Terra, Introdutória ao Curso de Geologia da USP: Conteúdo e Reflexão


  • Paulo César Boggiani Universidade de São Paulo; Instituto de Geociências; Departamento de Geologia Sedimentar e Ambiental
  • Colombo Celso Gaeta Tassinari Universidade de São Paulo; Instituto de Geociências; Departamento de Mineralogia e Geotectônica
  • Ciro Teixeira Correia Universidade de São Paulo; Instituto de Geociências; Departamento de Mineralogia e Geotectônica
  • Horstpeter Herberto Gustavo José Ulbrich Universidade de São Paulo; Instituto de Geociências; Departamento de Mineralogia e Geotecténica
  • Antonio Carlos Rocha Campos Universidade de São Paulo; Instituto de Geociências; Departamento de Geologia Sedimentar e Ambiental
  • Sonia Maria Barros de Oliveira Universidade de São Paulo; Instituto de Geociências; Departamento de Geologia Sedimentar e Ambiental
  • Rogério Guitarrari Azzone Universidade de São Paulo; Instituto de Geociências; Programa de Pós-Graduação em Mineralogia e Petrologia
  • Thiago Piacentini Universidade de São Paulo; Instituto de Geociências; Programa de Pós-Graduação em Recursos Minerais e Hidrogeologia




The discipline General Geology - The Earth System was introduced in the Geology course curriculum with the objective of providing first year students an ample and integrated view of physical, chemical and biological processes that affect Earth's geosphere, and of their complex interactions. Through a familiarization with basic theoretical and field geological concepts the discipline aims at allowing students to be able to interpret geological phenomena, thus stimulating them to enlarge their knowledge of the Geosciences throughout the rest of the curriculum. More general topics treated include a view of the Earth as part of the Solar system, of areas of professional activities of geologists and the important contribution they can make to Earth's environment sustainability. The discipline begins in the first semester with lectures on the evolution of the geological thought, origin of the Universe and the solar system. These are followed by talks on Earth's internal dynamics, in the context of global tectonics, and rock generation processes. Lab classes include recognition of most important mineral and rock types, and use of the Brunton compass. Topics of external dynamics follow, including weathering processes and origin, transport and deposition of sediments. At the end of the semester a series of lectures are given on glacial, eolian, fluvial and marine processes as external dynamic agents. The second semester initiates with lectures on geological time from the paleontological, stratigraphic and geochronological view points. Themain geological structures are then dealt with in connection with the use of the Brunton compass in their three-dimensional reconstruction. Examination of topographic and geological maps serves as a basis for understanding the geological evolution of an area. The final part of the program is devoted to lectures on Earth's geological resources, such as water, fossil fuels and minerals, as well as on the importance of Geology to Engineering. These are complemented by talks by invited, well-known, professional geologists from different specialties. During the two semesters, classroom and laboratory classes are intercalated with short (one day) field activities. A broad familiarization with the geology of State of São Paulo and Brazil completes the class-room activities of the discipline. A first experience with geological mapping is then offered, during a two-day field trip at the end of the semester, for which the presentation of reports is required. This is followed by presentation of seminars by the students on themes treated in classroom. As a general rule the teaching team of ST tries to restrict the use of specialized technical terms as a way to facilitate the transfer of knowledge from one topic to another by the students.





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