Sylvia Caiuby Novaes (Org.). Entre arte e ciência: a fotografia na antropologia. São Paulo: Edusp, 2015, 224p.

Book Review




Since the first half of the nineteenth century, the histories of anthropology and photography had intertwined chapters, showing a proximity relation along their trajectories. Currently, considering the saturated universe of the image world, referred by many authors as “post-photographic”, as a kind of confidence between photography and anthropology, which subscribes it as a scenery of critical reflections on “the uses” and “the thought” of photographic images in their anthropological perspectives. This scenery also produces a range of problematizations over a knowledge that belongs to the images, raising questions such as “what is the place of images?” and “what do we want from them?”.


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Author Biography

  • Fabiana Bruno, Universidade Estadual de Campinas

    Fabiana Bruno is PhD in Multimeios (IA-Unicamp) and a researcher accredited by the Department of Anthropology-IFCH of Unicamp, institution where she completed her postdoctoral degree in Social Anthropology. Co-founder and researcher of LA’GRIMA IFCH/Unicamp (Anthropological Laboratory of Image and Graphic). Capes Award for Best Thesis in the area of Applied Social Sciences (2010) with the study Photobiography: For a Methodology of Aesthetics in Anthropology, oriented by Prof. Dr. Etienne Samain. Expertise in curatorial actions and organization of exhibitions and photo books in partnership with
    Ateliê Fotô and Fotô Editorial, in São Paulo. E-mail:


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T.I.R. - Translations, Interviews and Reviews

How to Cite

Bruno, Fabiana. 2019. “Sylvia Caiuby Novaes (Org.). Entre Arte E Ciência: A Fotografia Na Antropologia. São Paulo: Edusp, 2015, 224p.: Book Review”. GIS - Gesture, Image and Sound - Anthropology Journal 4 (1): 407-15.