Artists’ Lists Are Never Only Lists, Version 2.0.

Dossier Arts and anthropologies


  • Marcia Vaitsman



List, Transdisciplinary, Displacement, Disorientation, Etcetera


These are thoughts on the working process of contemporary artists and consequently the resulting artifacts that assume forms of lists. It includes references to auto-narratives and autobiographies of artists working with impressions of disorientation, impermanence and foreignness. Focusing on the making of lists, catalogs, archives and on the interest in alphabetical, numerical, cartographical organization, and thus also on the unclassifiable, on what cannot or has not been decoded, on disorientation, and on all that can fit into the category of “etcetera”. As examples of lists, the video 10 Delírios em 10 Sutras and 100 Words to Describe Images of Displacement (2017) are presented as tools to pinpoint spatial
and temporal aspects of a possible ethic-aesthetic of displacement.


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Author Biography

  • Marcia Vaitsman

    Marcia Vaitsman is PhD in Contemporary Art, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal, worked six years as a member of the artistic and teaching staff at KHM (Academy of Media Arts) in Germany and has received several project grants, such as from Prince Claus Fund, Netherlands; FUNARTE, Rio de Janeiro; Fundação Bienal de São Paulo; UNESCO-Aschberg, France to be a resident of HIAP at Cable Factory, Helsinki; granted residence at IAMAS, Japan. Vaitsman has been nominated to video art festivals around the world and shown in exhibitions in the Americas, Japan and Europe. She was visiting scholar at Parsons NY and SCAD Lacoste. E-mail:


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Gesture, image and sounds

How to Cite

Vaitsman, Marcia. 2019. “Artists’ Lists Are Never Only Lists, Version 2.0.: Dossier Arts and Anthropologies”. GIS - Gesture, Image and Sound - Anthropology Journal 4 (1): 321-32.