Influence of cupping therapy on the pain threshold pressure and muscle flexibility of the posterior chain leg in football athletes




Fascia, Soccer, Trigger Points, Descritor em espanhol:


This study aimed to evaluate the pressure pain threshold (PPT) and flexibility before and after cupping therapy in the entire posterior muscle chain of the lower limb of soccer
players. This study is a multiple-case intervention, with a group submitted to the posterior lower limb cupping therapy protocol on the anatomical trains, measuring the flexibility of hip flexion (HF), knee extension (KE), and ankle dorsiflexion (AD) and PPT at the myofascial trigger points, pre- and post-intervention on the first and fourth day of collection. The initial sample consisted of 20 athletes, four refusals and two losses during the study, ending with 16 athletes in the immediate acute moment (n=32)
and 14 athletes in the late acute (n=28). Statistical analysis was performed using Student’s t-test and significance level, p <0.05. There was a statistically significant difference in late acute preand post-intervention for KE and AD variables, demonstrating increased flexibility after the protocol. We concluded that the intervention on the anatomical trains in the posterior lower limb increases the flexibility, but does not decrease PPT.


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Original Research

How to Cite

Influence of cupping therapy on the pain threshold pressure and muscle flexibility of the posterior chain leg in football athletes. (2023). Fisioterapia E Pesquisa, 28(3), 318-323.