Translation, cross-cultural adaptation and reliability of the clinical utility scale of Tyson and Connell




Translations, Reproducibility of Results, Physiotherapy


This study aimed to translate and adapt the Clinical Utility Scale of Tyson and Connell into Brazilian Portuguese, in addition to evaluating intra- and inter-rater reliability. The process of cross-cultural translation and adaptation was developed in five stages: translation, synthesis of translations, retro translation, evaluation by the committee of experts and testing of the pre-final version. To evaluate the intra- and inter-rater reliability of the Clinical Utility Scale of Tyson and Connell, 20 assessment instruments were independently assessed by two examiners (inter-rater reliability). In addition, one of the examiners performed all assessments at two different times with a 30-day interval (intra-rater reliability). The translation and cross-cultural adaptation were performed in a systematic way, following the proposed criteria, and only minor changes in two items were necessary to make the scale more useful to all instruments currently available in the literature. Regarding the inter-rater reliability of the Clinical Utility Scale of Tyson and Connell, the value found was ICC=0.85 (IC 95%, 0,79-0,87), while for intra-rater reliability the result was ICC=0,89 (IC 95%, 0,85-0,93). The results of this process indicated an adequate degree of semantic, conceptual and cultural equivalence. In addition, intra- and inter-rater reliability measures were considered adequate. These findings have shown the scale is adequate to assess the clinical utility of evaluation instruments usually applied to patients. Therefore, it must be incorporated into clinical practice and research when choosing the best evaluation instrument to be used.


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Original Research

How to Cite

Translation, cross-cultural adaptation and reliability of the clinical utility scale of Tyson and Connell. (2020). Fisioterapia E Pesquisa, 27(1), 78-84.