The influence of medium longitudinal arch on plant distribution and posterior pliability




Child, Foot, Pliability


Objective: To evaluate whether the formation of the longitudinal arch of the foot interferes with the distribution of plantar pressure and the pliability of the posterior thigh muscles. Methodology: a cross-sectional study and the footprints were obtained using the footprinting mat and analyzed according to the Viladot method. Plantar distribution and pliability were assessed by baropodometry and Wells’ bank, respectively. Results: It was observed that children with cavus feet present greater pliability when compared to those with normal feet (p=0.02). Also, the cavus feet exhibit higher pressure, that is, a greater heel overload compared to those with normal plantar arch (p=0.02 lower right limb and p=0.03 lower left limb). Conclusions: The evaluation of the medial longitudinal arch shows that children with cavus feet have greater pliability of the lower limb posterior muscles. The cavus feet are also associated with higher pressure in the calcaneal region.


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Original Research

How to Cite

The influence of medium longitudinal arch on plant distribution and posterior pliability. (2020). Fisioterapia E Pesquisa, 27(1), 16-21.