Analysis of functional status of elderly with osteoarthritis


  • João Paulo M. Santos UEL/UNOPAR. Londrina. PR. Brasil
  • Rodrigo A. C. Andraus (UEL/UNOPAR) em Ciências da Reabilitação – Londrina (PR), Brasil
  • Deise A. A. Pires-Oliveira UNOPAR. Londrina. PR. Brasil
  • Marcos T. P. Fernandes UEL/UNOPAR
  • Mayra C. Frâncica UEL/UNOPAR. Londrina. PR. Brasil
  • Regina Célia Poli-Frederico UEL/UNOPAR. Londrina. PR. Brasil
  • Karen B. P. Fernandes Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná; Escola de Medicina



The objective of this study was to analyze the influence of gender, age and pharmacological treatment for osteoarthritis (OA) on the functional status of physically independent elderly. This cross-sectional study involved 105 elder individuals from both genders (age: 68.80±6.3 years) with OA of the hip and / or knee, which was confirmed by radiographic analysis. Two specific instruments assessed functional status: Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC) and Lequesne Index. It was observed worse condition in females in Lequesne (p=0.007), global WOMAC (p=0.013), as well as in its fields: pain intensity (p=0.023), stiffness (p=0.032) and functional status (p=0.018). However, considering age and radiological status, no differences were observed between groups in all variables (p>;0.05). It was observed that the individuals with pharmacological treatment for OA have poor functional status in all functional questionnaires (Lequesne, p=0.005; global WOMAC, p=0.008 as well as in specific WOMAC fields, such as Pain intensity, p=0.004; Stifness, p=0.007; and Functional status p=0.023). At multivariate modelo (multiple linear regression), it was observed that gender and pharmacological treatment may influence the functional status of elderly with OA, whereas women and medicated individuals are those showing the worse condition both in Lequesne and WOMAC indexes. It was observed worse functional status in women with osteoarthritis and pharmacological treatment evoked no improvement in functional status of these individuals.


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How to Cite

Analysis of functional status of elderly with osteoarthritis . (2015). Fisioterapia E Pesquisa, 22(2), 161-168.