Between exile and exclusion

a reception device for poly-excluded pupils in Secondary School


  • Aurélie Maurin Souvignet Université Paris 13



Analysis of practice, Culture, Adolescent relationship, Creative process


This text is based on an Action-Research conducted in a secondary school. The objective was to transform the practices of the educational team, so that it was possible to better accommodate schoolchildren excluded from neighboring establishments. The actors of this project were brought together during a school year according to three methods: the multidisciplinary team met regularly in groups to analyze practices; monthly focus groups were offered for teens; general meetings punctuated the year. We will show how mediating objects, here culturally and subjectively charged objects, that were expressly chosen by the participants, have contributed for reflection leading to the constitution of a group culture and to the development of links between the paths of exile and college exclusions. The mutative process thus initiated has enabled the formative function of these groups to be possible in three dimensions: with the students who are registered with them, with teams who can thus feel supported, and with the institution recognized in its instituting potential.



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Author Biography

  • Aurélie Maurin Souvignet, Université Paris 13

    Professora adjunta de Psicologia, Université Paris 13, Comue Sorbonne Paris Cité, Villetaneuse, França.


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How to Cite

Souvignet, A. M. (2020). Between exile and exclusion: a reception device for poly-excluded pupils in Secondary School. Clinical Styles. The Journal on the Vicissitudes of Childhood, 25(1), 77-88.