The disciplinary subject: an analysis of the Rules for the Direction of the Spirit


  • Beatriz Laporta Universidade de São Paulo
  • Érico Andrade Universidade Federal do Pernambuco



Descartes, Modernity, Sovereignty, Disciplining, Epistemology


Taking the Rules for the Direction of the Mind, written by Descartes, we investigate in this article how the notion of disciplinarity, developed from the question of orientation of the spirit in the search for certain knowledge, can be interpreted as a notion that founds the project of modernity based on the autonomy of the subject to discipline his own body. Thus, we develop the possible interpretation of political subjection through the reflection on the subjection of all faculties of the spirit to the understanding through the disciplining that itself imposes on the relationship that those faculties have with the body. And we establish that the Rules do not only inaugurate a reform of the understanding as a research agenda for modernity, but carry guidelines for the improvement of the use of faculties in general, presenting the trade between human faculties coordinated by the understanding as a successful human action.


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How to Cite

Laporta, B., & Andrade, Érico. (2022). The disciplinary subject: an analysis of the Rules for the Direction of the Spirit. Cadernos Espinosanos, 46, 49-81.

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