O Realismo-Naturalismo de Stendhal e Shimazaki Tôson. Uma análise psicológica das personagens centrais: Julien e Ushimatsu.


  • Monica Setuyo Okamoto



Palabras clave:

Realism-Naturalism, Stendhal, Shimazaki Tôson, Hakai, The Red and the Black.


This article focuses, comparatively, the central characters of books Hakai (The Broken Commandment, 1906) Japanese writer Shimazaki Tōson and Le Rouge et le Noir (The Red and the Black, 1830) of the French realist Stendhal. Although the Japanese Realism-Naturalism received greater influence of Guy de Maupassant and German authors, noted many similarities between the works of Stendhal and Tōson which will be exposed in this article. We emphasize, however, that the comparative study here will be restricted to the analysis of social role and psychological profile of the two characters, Ushimatsu and Julien, within their respective historical contexts, without the intention, therefore, to address other aspects of the two works.


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Cómo citar

O Realismo-Naturalismo de Stendhal e Shimazaki Tôson. Uma análise psicológica das personagens centrais: Julien e Ushimatsu. (2013). Estudos Japoneses, 33, 45-61. https://doi.org/10.11606/ej.v0i33.107416