Mariátegui in debate: Marxist ghosts and critical horizons




Mariátegui, History of Marxism, Intellectuals, Political ideas, Latin America


This essay offers a critical evaluation of the book In the Red Corner: The Marxism of José Carlos Mariátegui, by historian Mike Gonzalez, recently published in the US. Through a foray into this work, which comprises a political biography of the various stages of Mariátegui’s trajectory and thought, it is possible to observe their scope and gaps from a comparison with other works he produced. It also outlines some methodological and political challenges with an eye to future research on Mariátegui.


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How to Cite

Rubbo, D. A. . (2023). Mariátegui in debate: Marxist ghosts and critical horizons. Estudos Avançados, 37(107), 239-252.