Forest governance: three decades of advances




Forest governance, Forest restoration governance, Multi-scale governance, Socioecological systems


The article opens the Native Forests Governance Dossier discussing advances in Brazilian forest governance in the last 30 years, based on an analysis of the Floram Project, on lectures presented at the “International Webinar Building Dialogues on Forest Governance: Conservation, Sustainable Management and Restoration of Landscapes,” and on the articles that are part of the dossier. The shift from hierarchical and centralized models to co-management models of multi-scale socio-ecological forest systems is discussed, involving a greater diversity of public and private social players, organized in networks, which innovate through the co-construction of knowledge, new institutions and public policies.


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How to Cite

Adams, C., Araujo, L. G. de, & Cordeiro-Beduschi, L. E. (2022). Forest governance: three decades of advances. Estudos Avançados, 36(106), 167-182.