Precarization of labor and neoliberal strategies posing challenges to intervention-research aiming to transform work situations




Neoliberalism, Subjectivation, Cooperation, Conflictive cooperation


This article presents the theoretical and methodological references that support our studies, interventions and academic combats in work psychology in the face of neoliberal strategies articulated with reflections on research and intervention. The neoliberal policies adopted today have generated important effects of precariousness in life, and specifically in the work environment, generating some perverse subjective effects that function as challenges to be faced by workers in the continuous invention of their life and protection of their health. We discuss how the tools of work clinics assist in transforming life and work situations by expanding the workers’ power to act. We propose to continue in debates in the field of work and organizational psychology in Brazil—strategies that aim to transform, and not just know.


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Author Biographies

  • Hélder Pordeus Muniz, Universidade Federal Fluminense

    Professor do Departamento e da Pós-graduação em Psicologia da UFF. Área Psicologia social do trabalho, organizacional e institucional.

  • Emerson Moraes Teixeira, Fundacentro - Rio de Janeiro

    Técnico da Fundacentro- RJ e doutorando da Pós-gradução em Psicologia da UFF.

  • Cláudia Osório da Silva, Universidade Federal Fluminense

    Professora Titular do Departamento e da Pós-graduação em Psicologia da UFF. 



How to Cite

Precarization of labor and neoliberal strategies posing challenges to intervention-research aiming to transform work situations. (2020). Cadernos De Psicologia Social Do Trabalho, 23(1), 13-27.