Clinical aspects and treatment of amelogenesis imperfect: a case report


  • Bruna Mandrá da Cunha Universidade de Uberaba
  • Paula Guitarrara Nirschl Morais Nery Universidade de Uberaba
  • Cristina Luzia Lopes Borges Silva Universidade de Uberaba
  • João Paulo Silva Servato Universidade de Uberaba
  • Maria Angélica Hueb de Menezes Oliveira Universidade de Uberaba
  • Denise Tornavoi de Castro Universidade de Uberaba



Amelogenesis imperfecta, Dental enamel, Glass ionomer cements, Radiography panoramic


Objectives: This study discusses the clinical characteristics of a case of type IIA amelogenesis imperfecta (hypomatured with diffuse pigmentation), presenting the treatment methods and how this condition affects the patient’s quality of life. Materials and methods: A 7-year-old male patient with deciduous and permanent dentition sought dental care due to the following dental changes: brownish-yellow dental coloration, rough surface, presence of dental calculus on the lower incisors, end-to-end bite, and dentin hypersensitivity. Radiographic examination showed that the volume of dental tissues was normal, but there was a lack of contrast between enamel and dentin in all teeth – features compatible with the clinical diagnosis of AI-IIA. Treatment consisted of restorations performed with glass ionomer cement, application of fluoride varnish and daily mouthwash with 0.05% sodium fluoride. Results: The treatment performed was considered a success, since the patient’s complaints were addressed through an appropriate dental treatment, restoring the child’s function and aesthetics according to his needs. Conclusions: Early diagnosis of AI is of paramount importance for more conservative treatment focusing on preventing its effects. From the dental care point of view, AI treatment seeks to restore the patient’s oral health and consequently reintegrate them into social life with a higher quality of life.


Author Biographies

  • Bruna Mandrá da Cunha, Universidade de Uberaba

    Universidade de Uberaba (UNIUBE), Uberaba, MG, Brasil

  • Paula Guitarrara Nirschl Morais Nery, Universidade de Uberaba

    Universidade de Uberaba (UNIUBE), Uberaba, MG, Brasil

  • Cristina Luzia Lopes Borges Silva, Universidade de Uberaba

    Universidade de Uberaba (UNIUBE), Uberaba, MG, Brasil

  • João Paulo Silva Servato, Universidade de Uberaba

    Universidade de Uberaba (UNIUBE), Uberaba, MG, Brasil

  • Maria Angélica Hueb de Menezes Oliveira, Universidade de Uberaba

    Universidade de Uberaba (UNIUBE), Uberaba, MG, Brasil

  • Denise Tornavoi de Castro, Universidade de Uberaba

    Universidade de Uberaba (UNIUBE), Uberaba, MG, Brasil


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Case report or technical report

How to Cite

Cunha, B. M. da, Nery, P. G. N. M., Silva, C. L. L. B., Servato, J. P. S., Oliveira, M. A. H. de M., & Castro, D. T. de. (2022). Clinical aspects and treatment of amelogenesis imperfect: a case report . Clinical and Laboratorial Research in Dentistry.