Laser fluorescence as an alternative for digital radiography in detecting caries lesions
a literature review
Transiluminescense, Laser Fluorescence, Diagnosis, Dental CariesAbstract
Diagnosis of caries lesions consists of visual/tactile methods following the International Caries Detection and Assessment System (ICDAS) and radiographic methods (BW), however these methods have limitations for detecting caries at different depths and locations and is usually influenced by the examiner’s experience. New technologies have emerged to improve caries diagnosis methods, among these are methods that use optical principles to quantify differences between healthy and demineralized tissues, for example: quantitative light- -induced fluorescence (QLF), the “DIAGNOdent” caries detection pen, and VistaProof (fluorescence camera). This literature review aims to provide up-to-date information on the applicability of fluorescence-based methods in the diagnosis of caries. The results show that DIAGNOdent pen was the most effective method for diagnosing caries, wherein some authors indicate that it can be used as the only diagnostic method, but most recommend using it as a complementary method to ICDAS and BW. LFpen must be used in association with ICDAS and 2 articles indicate near-infrared light transillumination (NILT) as a substitute for BW, however there is still a need for further studies to reach a concrete decision. In conclusion, digital methods for the diagnosis of caries are efficient, but they do not replace visual/tactile methods and bitewing radiographs. Therefore, they should be used as a complementary diagnostic method to those already known and widely used and studied.
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