Use of collagen biostimulators in orofacial harmonization
Dermal Fillers, Collagen, Calcium Hydroxyapatite, Polymethyl Methacrylate, Collagen biostimulatorAbstract
This study briefly addresses the facial aging process, reviews, and discusses the use of collagen biostimulators used in orofacial harmonization in search of facial rejuvenation. Methods: Articles published until 2019 in SciELO, BIREME and PubMed in English and Brazilian Portuguese were verified. The inclusion criteria were: original articles that analyze or discuss skin fillers with biostimulatory capacity, and the facial aging process. A total of 72 articles that met the inclusion criteria was found. Discussion: In the dermatological market there are four skin fillers (poly-L-lactic acid, calcium hydroxyapatite, polycaprolactone and polymethylmethacrylate) that have the mechanism of action of stimulating neocolagenesis by localized subclinical inflammatory response from the host. Each product has its particularities as to its composition, onset time, and durability. According to the literature, they are generally considered to be effective and safe, and can be used by properly trained professionals. Conclusion: Collagen biostimulators are excellent materials with the ability to prevent or reverse the effects of the facial aging process. However, there is still no perfect dermal biostimulator, as everyone can be associated with adverse effects, and the professional must know how to select the ideal product for treating each patient.
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