Uso de próteses removíveis em pacientes com necessidades especiais: risco associado ao diagnóstico


  • Patricia Kapicius Universidade de São Paulo
  • Fabio Daumas Nunes Universidade de São Paulo
  • Marcel Lautenschlager Arriaga Universidade Federal da Bahia
  • Ana Lúcia Aparecida Bronzo de Freitas Centro de Especialidades Odontológicas da Estância Hidromineral de Poá
  • João Jurandir Simões Júnior Centro de Especialidades Odontológicas da Estância Hidromineral de Poá
  • Regiana de Souza Carlini Secretaria da Saúde da Estância Hidromineral de Poá



Prostheses, Diagnosis, Diseases, Special Needs Care, Dental Treatment, Odontology


Objectives: To evaluate variables associated with the need of denture by patients with special needs attending the Dental Specialty Center (DSC) in Poá, São Paulo, Brazil. Materials and methods: The total sample consisted of 514 patients, treated at the DSC-Poá, and the dependent variable was need of denture established between January 2011 and December 2016. The analyzed variables were gender, age, main diagnosis, amount of medication used, and behavioral aspects. The physical records were compiled to an electronic form specially developed for this study. Data were tabulated and analyzed. Results: Eighty-eight patients (17.11%) were referred to prosthetic rehabilitation. The female gender prevailed and the need for denture increased with age, in a similar manner as in the general population. Main diagnosis was a relevant variable, with the majority (47.72%) presenting systemic alterations, followed by physical deficiency (18.18%) and psychiatric disorders (11.36%). Regarding the behavior, all individuals were attended as outpatients, the majority (71.59%) had already received anesthesia in previous treatments, and only 7.95% required psychological conditioning. Most of the patients with special needs (89.77%) came to receive and use the prostheses. Conclusions: Main diagnosis and behavioral profile variables influenced the denture indication for those patients at the DSC-Poá. Gender and age also influence indication, as seen in the general population. This study may guide the implementation of projects both in private and public sectors.


Author Biographies

  • Patricia Kapicius, Universidade de São Paulo

    Departamento de Patologia Oral e Maxilofacial, Faculdade de Odontologia, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brasil

  • Fabio Daumas Nunes, Universidade de São Paulo

    Disciplina de Patologia Bucal, Faculdade de Odontologia, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brasil


  • Marcel Lautenschlager Arriaga, Universidade Federal da Bahia

    Faculdade de Odontologia, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Salvador, BA, Brasil

  • Ana Lúcia Aparecida Bronzo de Freitas, Centro de Especialidades Odontológicas da Estância Hidromineral de Poá

    Centro de Especialidades Odontológicas da Estância Hidromineral de Poá, Poá, SP, Brasil

  • João Jurandir Simões Júnior, Centro de Especialidades Odontológicas da Estância Hidromineral de Poá

    Centro de Especialidades Odontológicas da Estância Hidromineral de Poá, Poá, SP, Brasil

  • Regiana de Souza Carlini, Secretaria da Saúde da Estância Hidromineral de Poá

    Secretaria da Saúde da Estância Hidromineral de Poá, Poá, SP, Brasil





Original Research

How to Cite

Kapicius, P., Nunes, F. D., Arriaga, M. L., Freitas, A. L. A. B. de, Simões Júnior, J. J., & Carlini, R. de S. (2018). Uso de próteses removíveis em pacientes com necessidades especiais: risco associado ao diagnóstico. Clinical and Laboratorial Research in Dentistry.