Effects of sandblasting of prosthetic abutment surfaces on the tensile strength of cement-retained crowns, using a cementing technique: an in vitro study


  • Fernando Igai University of São Paulo
  • Matsuyoshi Mori University of São Paulo
  • Ivo Contin University of São Paulo
  • Washington Steagall Junior Nove de Julho University
  • Pedro Tortamano Neto University of São Paulo




Tensile Strength, Dental Prosthesis, Cementation, Dental Materials


Objective: The tensile strength effects on the sandblasting of the abutment associated with a cementing technique are not well documented. The objective of this study is to analyze the tensile strength of prosthetic crowns cemented on standard and sandblasted abutments, using a cementing technique. Methods: Experimental groups were formed according to ce­menting technique (control and practice abutment technique) and prosthetic abutment roughness (standard and sandblas­ted), totaling forty specimens. The crowns were cemented with Zinc Phosphate cement. Statistical analysis was conducted with an α at 0.05. Results: Considering the cementation techniques analysis, there were no statistically significant differen­ces between the groups, with mean tensile strength values of 157.83±22.16 N for the control technique, and 159.95±46.40 N for the practice abutment technique on the standard surface. Result analysis of the control technique (626.23±34.80 N) and practice abutment technique (642.62±94.00 N) indicated no significant differences on the sandblasted surface. Consi­dering the surface roughness analysis, significant differences were observed, with values of 157.83±22.16 N for the control technique/standard surface group and 626.23±34.80 N for the control technique/sandblasted surface group. Significant differences were observed in the practice abutment technique/standard surface group with 159.95±46.40 N values, compa­red to the 642.62±94.00 N value for the practice abutment technique/sandblasted group. Conclusions: The practice abut­ment cementing technique showed no significant differences with the control technique, regarding to the tensile strength, in the two surfaces (standard and sandblasted) used in the study. The sandblasting of prosthetic abutments led to a signifi­cant increase on the tensile strength considering the two studied cementation techniques.


Author Biographies

  • Fernando Igai, University of São Paulo
    School of Dentistry, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
  • Matsuyoshi Mori, University of São Paulo

    Prosthesis Department, School of Dentistry, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil

  • Ivo Contin, University of São Paulo

    Prosthesis Department, School of Dentistry, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil

  • Washington Steagall Junior, Nove de Julho University

    Discipline of Restorative Dentistry, Nove de Julho University, São Paulo, SP, Brazil

  • Pedro Tortamano Neto, University of São Paulo

    Prosthesis Department, School of Dentistry, University of São
    Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil






Original Research

How to Cite

Igai, F., Mori, M., Contin, I., Steagall Junior, W., & Tortamano Neto, P. (2018). Effects of sandblasting of prosthetic abutment surfaces on the tensile strength of cement-retained crowns, using a cementing technique: an in vitro study. Clinical and Laboratorial Research in Dentistry. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2357-8041.clrd.2017.130950