Reconstruções monumentais: rearranjos coloniais na busca de uma cidade em movimento


  • Tayara Barreto de Souza Celestino Universidade Federal de Sergipe



This article deals with the monumental reconstructions that took place between 2020 and 2021 in the city of Japaratuba, Sergipe, from exploratory anthropological research to identify new monumentalizations in the city, compared to investigations carried out previously up to the defense of the memory shoulder thesis by the artist Arthur Bispo do Rosário with the popular cultures of the city. Colonial rearrangements can be captured by observing the distribution of monuments in a public square interested in recording the set of cultural manifestations that are heritages and resistances to the Brazilian colonial past, receiving the peculiar contours of the region of the forest region of Sergipe, presenting narratives that seek in the present to integrate the actions of people, masters and players of popular cultures.


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Author Biography

  • Tayara Barreto de Souza Celestino, Universidade Federal de Sergipe

    Doutoranda em Sociologia (PPGS-UFS), Mestra em Culturas Populares (PPGCult-UFS), Bacharela em Museologia pela Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS), Licenciada em Artes Visuais e Especialista em Museografia e Patrimônio Cultural pelo Centro Universitário Claretiano, Batatais-SP.



How to Cite

Celestino, T. B. de S. . (2022). Reconstruções monumentais: rearranjos coloniais na busca de uma cidade em movimento . Cadernos CERU, 33(2), 148-167.