A participação feminina no processo construtivo por mutirão na cidade de São Paulo: Jardim Apuanã e Parque Europa I e Ii


  • Rosana M.P.B. Schwartz Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
  • Sheila Cristina Silva Aragão Caetano Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie




Women, Mutirão, City, Housing Movement


This research analyzes two housing movements in the city of São Paulo: Jardim Apuanã, in the northern region; and Parque Europa I and II, in the southern region of the city. From the research about these movements, it seeks to question the daily struggle experiences of the women leaders involved in these actions, the forms of appropriation of urban space, real estate speculation and the spatial and social segregation of popular social segments. Through the participants, using the perspective of cultural history and gender analysis category, the collective actions of the women leaders, their strategies of struggle in the movement's base groups, the mobilizations, the occupations of abandoned land in the city center, the mechanisms of mutual organization in associations, the meetings, the coordinations and the types of mutirões (mutual self-help communities).


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How to Cite

Schwartz, R. M. ., & Caetano, S. C. S. A. . (2022). A participação feminina no processo construtivo por mutirão na cidade de São Paulo: Jardim Apuanã e Parque Europa I e Ii. Cadernos CERU, 33(1), 07-25. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2595-2536.v33i1p07-25