A invenção da conquista do Acre


  • Valtemir Evangelista de Souza USP




In the conquest of Acre, several important actors, such as the governments of Brazil, Pará and Amazonas, the last one interested in territorial expansion, the merchants established in Belém and Manaus with relations in Europe, the main financiers, the pioneers responsible for surveys of the region’s potential for high river courses. It was through the first incursions and drug trips of the hinterland, such as cacao, pitch, copaiba, indigo, vegetable oils and animal, pirarucu, among others, helped in the surveys and recognitions that allowed to know the possibilities of exploring natural products, the organization of rubber plantations and the exploitation of rubber, with the opening of the syringe roads as well as transport of products and merchandises.   


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Author Biography

  • Valtemir Evangelista de Souza, USP

    Pós-Graduando do Curso de Geografia Humana da USP/Aluno do Prof. Wanderley Messias da COSTA, disciplina: Geografia Política: Teorias sobre o Território e o Poder e sua Aplicação à Realidade Contemporânea. 





Dossiê Amazônia

How to Cite

Souza, V. E. de. (2018). A invenção da conquista do Acre. Cadernos CERU, 29(2). https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2595-2536.v29i2p%p