The role of modeling and simulation to improve the treatment of fungal infections caused by Cryptococcus
A literature review
Antifungals, Cryptococcosis, Mathematical modeling, Pharmacodynamics, PharmacokineticsAbstract
The treatment of fungal infections presents problems in relation to toxicity, pharmacokinetic properties, and undesirable side effects among other factors. An alternative to clarify some of these problems is the use of mathematical modeling and simulation of the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics data of antifungals, in order to seek greater support in decision making regarding the treatment of Cryptococcus infection. Here, we describe the results of a literature review focusing on studies that used mathematical modeling and simulation of pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic data of antifungals used in the treatment of cryptococcosis. Through this review, it was possible to identify that most of the content presented refers to studies of modeling, which refer to two very important modeling approaches that provide subsidies for an adequate treatment. Studies that performed Monte Carlo simulations and evaluated the probability of reaching the target show that many treatments used are ineffective, and it is necessary to investigate new models that include more information about these difficult to treat infections. These mathematical tools are extremely important, because through the correlation of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics data of an antifungal, it is possible to make an appropriate decision for the treatment of fungal infections caused by Cryptococcus spp.
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