Validation of the Brazilian version of the hepatitis B quality of life evaluation instrument - HBQOL, and its application to patients with chronic hepatitis B in Cascavel - PR


  • Jessica Cristina Balbinot Master in Pharmaceutical Sciences - Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná, Brazil
  • Andreia Conegero Sanches, Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná, Brazil
  • Astrid Wiens Pharmacy Department, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brazil
  • Roberto Pontarolo Pharmacy Department, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brazil
  • Orli Dutra Boeira Júnior Coordinating Pharmacist - 10ª Regional de Saúde do Paraná, Brasil
  • Edson Antonio da Silva Center for Exact and Technological Sciences, Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná, Brazil
  • Daniele Schaab Boff Master in Pharmaceutical Sciences - Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná, Brazil
  • Camila Borges dos Reis Master in Pharmaceutical Sciences - Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná, Brazil
  • Rafael Venson School of Medicine, Dentistry and Nursing, University of Glasgow, Scotland
  • Ana Flávia Redolfi Oliota Master in Pharmaceutical Sciences - Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná, Brazil



Quality of life, Chronic hepatitis B, Therapeutics


The objective of this study is to validate the specific questionnaire for Hepatitis B HBQOL (Hepatitis B Quality of Life Instrument, version 1.0) for the Brazilian version, in addition to testing its applicability in patients with hepatitis B under treatment and comparing the quality of life between patients using first-line drugs (tenofovir and entecavir). For the validation, the back-translation technique was used in a sample of 47 patients. Factor analysis was performed between the items in each domain of the questionnaire and the internal consistency was calculated using Cronbach's α coefficient. In assessing the applicability of the validated questionnaire, interviews were carried out with 124 patients. Sociodemographic and treatment data were collected to characterize the sample and perform correlation analyzes. The results demonstrate that the Brazilian version of the questionnaire was successfully validated. In the analysis carried out among the 124 patients, the domains psychological well-being and stigma obtained the highest scores in quality of life and the lowest level of education conferred better results in these two domains. The comparison between tenofovir and entecavir showed no significant difference in patients' quality of life. The use of this validated instrument can make therapeutic decisions more rational.


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How to Cite

Validation of the Brazilian version of the hepatitis B quality of life evaluation instrument - HBQOL, and its application to patients with chronic hepatitis B in Cascavel - PR. (2022). Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 58.