Vitamin K: content in food consumed in São Paulo, Brazil
Phylloquinone/determination/leaf vegetables, Food composition, High Performance Liquid Chromatography, Vitamin K/study/Brazil, Cooking/LossAbstract
Recent research on Vitamin K has shown its importance in maintaining vascular and bone health. Brazilian food composition tables do not show phylloquinone content in national foods. These data are needed to obtain more reliable results in nutritional status assessment studies of individuals in relation to this vitamin as studies have shown a geographical influence in food phylloquinone content. This study aims to determine phylloquinone (Vitamin K1) levels in its most important source: dark green leaved vegetables. Several varieties of vegetables were purchased directly from CEAGESP (General Warehouse Company of São Paulo) at different times. Phylloquinone was extracted using organic solvents and quantified by High Performance Liquid Chromatography - HPLC. Results show the concentrations of phylloquinone in commonly consumed foodstuffs. In general, results showed variations with data from literature on the amount of Vitamin K in the plants analysed.Downloads
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How to Cite
Vitamin K: content in food consumed in São Paulo, Brazil. (2017). Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 53(2), e15197-.