Evaluation of anti-estrogenic or estrogenic activities of aqueous root extracts of Gunnera manicata L.


  • Kristiane de Cássia Mariotti Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul; Faculty of Pharmacy; Department of Analysis; Laboratory of Analysis and Toxicological Research
  • Gabriela Cristina Schmitt Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul; Faculty of Pharmacy; Department of Analysis; Laboratory of Analysis and Toxicological Research
  • Fabiano Barreto National Agricultural Laboratory of Rio Grande do Sul
  • Rodrigo E. Fortunato National Agricultural Laboratory of Rio Grande do Sul
  • Rodrigo B. Singer Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul; Department of Botany
  • Eliane Dallegrave State Foundation of Production and Research in Health
  • Mirna Bainy Leal Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul; Institute of Basic Health Sciences; Department of Pharmacology; Laboratory of Pharmacology and Toxicology of Natural Products
  • Renata Pereira Limberger Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul; Faculty of Pharmacy; Department of Analysis; Laboratory of Analysis and Toxicological Research




Gunnera manicata L.^i1^spharmacogn, Gunneraceae^i1^spharmacogn, Medicinal plants, Uterotrophic assay^i1^sexperimental st


Gunnera perpensa (Gunneraceae) is an African plant widely used in traditional medicine. This species is known for its activity involving the female reproductive system, such as inducing or increasing labor, treating female infertility, expelling the placenta and/or preventing post-partum hemorrhage. These properties are probably due to (z)-venusol, a majoritary compound, and its action in conjunction with substances in the whole extract and other natural products. In southern Brazil, a native species Gunnera manicata L. that also belongs to Gunneraceae can be found. In spite of the traditional use of G. perpensa, there is no pharmacological and phytochemical information regarding the South American Gunnera species. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the activity of Brazilian G. manicata aqueous extracts on the reproductive system of immature female Wistar rats through a uterotrophic assay and to verify the presence of (z)-venusol by liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Data were analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Bonferroni´s post-hoc test (p< 0.01). Results obtained shown that G. manicata extracts did not present in vivo anti or estrogenic activity. Furthermore, (z)-venusol compound was not found. This study represents the first preliminary screening done on the South American G. manicata species.








How to Cite

Evaluation of anti-estrogenic or estrogenic activities of aqueous root extracts of Gunnera manicata L . (2011). Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 47(3), 601-604. https://doi.org/10.1590/S1984-82502011000300018