The Independence of Ireland in the Provincial Press: Laurence Ginnell and the Irish Diplomatic Mission in Argentina (1921)
Ireland, Press, Laurence GinnellAbstract
In the context of the negotiations surrounding the signing of the Anglo-Irish Treaty, at the end of July 1921, the nationalist deputy, member of the Irish Parliament (Teachta Dála), Laurence Ginnell, arrived in Buenos Aires with the aim of meeting money for the Irish cause, intensify the propaganda campaign and expand the diplomatic network in Latin America. The main Buenos Aires newspapers —with the exception of the community newspaper The Southern Cross— considered the arrival of the diplomat a minor event, but what happened in the case of the provincial press? The present work attempts to explain how the provincial newspapers, particularly belonging to Entre Ríos and Santa Fe, reflected the actions of the Irish diplomatic personnel in Argentina. Three important newspapers in the region will be analyzed: La Acción and El Diario de Paraná and the morning newspaper Santa Fe from the capital city of the same name.
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